Occlusal Guards
Occlusal Guards, often called night guards,are dental appliances that protect the teeth from bruxing (teeth grinding) or clenching. Dr. Juriansz is trained to examine teeth for signs of bruxism and treat his patients with custom-fit night guards.
An occlusal guard is called a night guard because it’s usually worn overnight when nighttime clenching most commonly occurs. A guard is also protects against damage done to the surface of teeth such as scratching and chipping.
People who grind their teeth can sometimes develop a serious problem with their jaw called Temporomandibular Jaw Disorder. Night Guards helps a jaw relax, which lessens the occurrence of clenching or grinding teeth.
Patients with periodontal disease may want to consider occulsal guards to stabilize their teeth.
The occlusal night guard is made with clear acrylic resin that is custom-fitted so that the teeth fit perfectly in the guard. It is common that patients are fitted for either the top or the bottom teeth. Dr. Juriansz takes time to make sure the fit of your night guard is right.
Seeking a night guard in Brookline? Schedule an appointment today to take your impressions.