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Dental Bridges
If you need a dental bridge then Brookline Village Dental is the first place you should call. We’ll talk you through the best options for your oral health and answer any questions you might have about financing your procedure or your insurance process.
Making your dental experience the best one possible every time you come to see us in our office in Brookline Village is our greatest concern.
What Is a Dental Bridge?
A dental bridge is essentially a false tooth used to fill a gap where a tooth used to be. If you have a gap because of a missing tooth or teeth, it leaves room for the other teeth in your mouth to shift.
Dental bridges help to keep teeth on either sides of your gap from shifting. A bridge uses the two teeth on either side of a gap as anchors, which hold a false tooth in place where you have a gap. Usually we’ll place porcelain crowns over the surrounding teeth and fuse the false tooth (sometimes called a pontic) between them. This will have a very natural appearance.
What Kinds of Dental Bridges Can I get At Brookline Village Dental?
We offer a few dental bridge options including:
Traditional Bridges – These are also called “fixed” bridges and are the most common kind of dental bridge. If you get a fixed bridge in our Brookline office, we will place a porcelain crown over the two teeth surrounding your gap and use those crowns as anchors to hold a false tooth in place between those crowns. Typically your false tooth will be made of porcelain.
Cantilever Bridges – We’ll may use this type of bridge if you only have teeth on one side of the gap in your mouth. Typically this kind of bridge is used in areas of your mouth that you do not use to intensely chew (like your front teeth).
Resin-Bonded Bridges – In this case we would bond zirconium porcelain bands to the surrounding teeth using resin to hold a porcelain false tooth in your gap. Again, this kind of bridge is normally used in areas of your mouth that you do not use to intensely chew (like your front teeth).
Can I Have the Entire Procedure Performed at the Brookline Dental Office?
Yes! Typically it takes about two visits to place and complete a dental bridge. During your first visit we’ll prepare the teeth surrounding your gap, then take an impression of your teeth. We’ll then send this impression to a laboratory, which will prepare your crown and bridge. Before you leave from this first visit, Dr. Juriansz will fit you with a temporary bridge to protect them.
On your second visit to our Brookline office Dr. Juriansz will remove your temporary bridge, then place your new permanent bridge in your mouth and adjust the bridge for fit and comfort.
Give us a call at 617-731-3888 today. Our warm, professional staff will make sure your visit is comfortable and that your treatment is planned and affordable.